Safety Action Plans (SAP) should be in place for each pool, based on identified risks for that facility
A Safety Action Plan should be in place for a facility emergency, weather emergency, fire, chemical emergency, drowning incident, spinal management, emergency incident, and calling 911
Ask to see the plans before the start of warm-up
If the pool is managed by lifeguards, they should have them
The plan should also list important phone numbers, protocols for getting help, name or position of the person on deck that is responsible for activating the Safety Action Plan
You may also ask for a copy of them from the Meet Director prior to the meet
In case of emergency:
All directives will come from the pool personnel or Meet Director
The meet announcer will be instructed to make public announcements with instructions, updates etc.
Based on the degree of the emergency, the pool area, building or both will be evacuated under the direction of the lifeguards, meet personnel and/or emergency personnel