Athlete Transfer

For Parents, Guardians & Athletes

Use this online transfer portal to transfer your currently registered athlete’s registration from one club in Arizona to another club in Arizona. The transfer fee is non-refundable and includes a transaction fee.

Athletes transferring from a club in another state to a club in Arizona should use the form found in the Document Library.

NOTE: The zip code must match your athlete’s member record in USA-Swimming.

If your address has changed within the last 30 days, or you need further assistance, please email the AZSI Office at

Select Your CURRENT Club Code
Your USAS ID Number
Your Zip Code *

(see note below)
Statement of Transfer and Good Standing
  I understand that I must wait 120 days from my last competition representing my previous club before I can represent my new club in competition. I will swim UNATTACHED in any meets I participate in during these 120 days. I will not swim on any club relays until my 120 days have elapsed. I also certify that I am in good standing with my previous club/LSC and that all information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Notes: If you have registered with USA/Arizona Swimming within the last 45 days your athlete information may not be active yet. In that case please email for instructions.

*If you have moved recently (outside your original zip code) and have not had an opportunity to update us, login with your old zip code.